The next two weeks are for catching up on activities from Thing 1 through to Thing 7. Schedule in some off-screen time as well. Digital detox is a term to describe activities that assist in getting off the screens. The data detox is a fantastic list of things to check on all your devices. Choose a couple of activities, schedule them in and then enjoy a break!!
Data Detox
The Data Detox Kit was produced for the Glass Room London in 2017, curated by Tactical Tech and presented by Mozilla.
Click on the Twitter bird to read the full thread with various animations.
here is a thread of animations I made for anyone who could use some deep breaths
— Nathan W. Pyle (@nathanwpyle) June 14, 2019
30 days of Digital Detox
Choose some activities from this list.
12 Ways to Recharge
Sylvia Duckworth is a fabulous sketchnoter. Choose a couple of activities from this list of twelve activities.
![12 Ways to Recharge](
Sylvia Duckworth
Another 30-day Challenge
Choose a couple of activities that would benefit your life.